Monday 7 December 2009

So much to do!

Many of you will have heard that I am taking a three-month "career break" (NHS terminology) - leaving on 4th January - to go to Ethiopia to work in maternity a hospital in a remote town called Gimbi, 500km (and 10 hours by road) west of Addis Ababa. The hospital is funded by a small charity called Maternity Worldwide and takes volunteer doctors from Europe to provide direct hands-on care and to train local healthcare workers.

One of the WHO's Millennium Development Goals is to reduce maternal mortality worldwide by 75% by 2015. This is a laudable aim but sadly seems unlikely to be achieved. Maternal mortality in large parts of Africa is unbelievably high. Ethiopia has good rates by African standards but the statistic is still 670 per 100,000 pregnancies compared to 7 per 100,000 in the UK. In Ethiopia this means a woman has 1 in 27 risk of dying in relation to pregnancy (five or six babies) in her lifetime. The risks in rural areas such as those around Gimbi are much higher than the rates for Ethiopia as a whole. Furthermore, in common with much of the rest of Africa, Ethiopia also has very high infant death rates.

Many people have asked me why I am doing this: I am realistic that as a contribution to reducing maternal mortality it will be a drop in a very large ocean but every little must help. More than anything it is to be reminded of just how lucky I am to have the healthcare system we do in the UK (for all its challenges) both as a provider and a receiver of medical care.

There is so much to do before I depart to Addis Adaba on 4th January- should of thought about the challenge that preparing for christmas, finishing things that are essential at work and getting ready for 3-months away would present!

This message is a test really as I'm a blogging novice so I just wanted to check it worked. I'm not sure how easy to blog it will be from Ethiopia as internet connections are all dial-up in Gimbie where the hospital is and I am told ruinously expensive but I will try to find a way to keep up with occasional postings.

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